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In “Our Fragile Earth,” Dana Mano-Flank presents a collection that explores the delicate connections between nature and human society.  Drawing on the traditional Japanese aesthetic of wabi-sabi, which embraces transience and imperfection, Dana’s mixed-media paintings capture the subtle, simple beauty of the natural world.  By incorporating materials sourced from forests, quarries, and oceans, and blending them with pigments and pastes, she highlights their inherent and delicate beauty.  This integration of natural elements underscores Dana’s philosophy of honoring the mundane and incidental, inviting viewers to look beyond the surface and find the sublime all around us. 

Through her art, Dana fosters a deeper awareness of environmental stewardship and invites reflection on our fragile relationship with nature.  Each piece in “Our Fragile Earth” serves as a contemplative exploration of the intricate bonds connecting us to the earth, encouraging viewers to consider the moral implications of our impact on the environment and our role within this delicate balance.
Dana’s work has been featured in over fifty museum juried exhibitions across the U.S., including numerous solo and invitational shows.

  Sep 6th - Sep 28th 2024    
  Reception: Sep 28th 2-4pm    
    300 South Thomas Street
Pomona, CA 91766
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