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Artist Receptions: Aug 18th |

Illuminated | Cal Art League Juried Exhibit | Jul 5th-Aug 31st 2024
Sacred Living | Rebekah Steele, Sophia Reeves & Samantha Guzzi | Jul 6th - Jul 27th 2024

Up Coming Exhibits

Wild Things | Marinés Adrianza | Aug 9th - Sep 28th 2024
Intrinsic | Native American Art | Oct 8th Nov 30th 2024

Past Exhibits
  2024 Exhibits      

Beyond the Studio Door | Gene Sasse | Jun 9th-Jul 27th 2024
B&W Photography from the Collection | May 3rd - Jun 8th 2024
Visual Harmonies | Richard & Marciano Martinez | May 3rd- Jun 29th 2024
Wonderkammer | Chris Frausto | May 3rd- Jun 29th 2024
Un-Defined Sensibility | International Juried Exhibit | Jun 7th-Jun 29th 2024
Reflections | Michelle Lum | May 3rd - May 26th 2024
Brittany Kiertzner: I Am Alive, a Breath, a Trail | Mar 9th- Apr 27th 2024
Jackie Leishman: The Way In | Mar 9th- Apr 27th 2024
John Woodcock: Shadow Notes | Mar 9th- Apr 27th 2024
Victor Ciobanu | Jan 13th-Feb 25th 2024
Raif Balentine | Jan 13th-Feb 25th 2024
The Realm of Possibilites | Feb 9th-Feb 25th 2024
The art of Neifa Cosenza | Dec 9th-Feb 25th 2024
My Universe | Jan 13th-27th 2024

  2023 Exhibits      

Eric Tippeconnic | Nov 10th-Dec 23rd 2023
Monica Zavala | Nov 10th-Dec 23rd 2023
Karma Henry | Nov 10th-Dec 23rd 2023
Eric Renard: Nobody walks in LA | Oct 12th-Dec 3rd 2023o
Ground Zero: A 9/11 Memoir in Word & Image | Sep 8th-Oct 29th 2023
Converge | Sep 8th-Oct 29th 2023
We are all Barrrbies | Sep 8th-Oct 29th 2023
Greg Rook: Stratosphere | Aug 18th-Sep 30th 2023
The Art of Kārlis Neilis | Aug 4th-Aug 27th 2023
Art of Abstraction: the language of visual poetry | Jun 30th-Aug 27th 2023
Shen: The Sacred Art of Love | Jun 30th-Aug 26th 2023
Lori Markman: Magical Landscapes | Jul 7th-Aug 13th 2023
Azusa Pacific University: Middle Ground | Jul 7th-Jul 30th 2023
Woven: Weaving Communities Together | May 13th-Jun 25th 2023
The Excavation of the Soul | Mar 11th-Apr23rd 2023

  Older Exhibits      

Soul Stories | Mar 8th-Apr 2020
The Art of Ginger Lai | Jan 19th-Feb 23rd 2020
Wisdom of the Desert| Sep 8th-Oct13th 2019

© 2024 Sasse Museum of Art | 501(c)3 Non Profit Organization | FIN: 90-0981234 |